
Use of Force & Live Fire Training

Use of Force Training in MILO Range

MILO is designed to go beyond marksmanship and firearm training. This isn’t just a computerized firing range or a simple “use-of-force” and force-options simulator; it is a full “human interaction simulator.” MILO simulated scenarios are optimized to create opportunities for officers to practice their judgment skills in true-to-life situations, with all the complexity, nuance, and emotional pressure these bring. Scenarios especially surface tricky situations, such as those involving domestic disputes, individuals with mental health issues, and persons under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

MILO systems are emotionally immersive simulators. Trainees and officers work through role-playing scenarios with branching decision trees that give them opportunities to exercise every facet of their training–from fine-tuning their presence, tone of voice, and de-escalation strategies to using force options—from tasers or OC spray to batons and sidearms.

Every HD scenario including both the standard library of more than 500 scenarios, as well as any custom-produced for your agency can be run in interactive low-light/flashlight conditions. Throughout every scenario, the instructor can make adjustments to hone and challenge every aspect of their student’s judgment, situational awareness, tactical, and community policing skills.

Each year almost as many officers died due to driving mishaps as handgun assaults. Given their number of hours on the road, judgment skills behind the wheel are likely the most critical skill of all. That’s why MILO offers solutions like DrivingForce, the industry’s only fully integrated police driver training and police interaction training simulator solution. Training officers to smoothly transition from pursuit to contact, deescalating themselves and the situation at every stage, is a vital step in improving outcomes and eliminating avoidable injuries and death.

Train to your Policy

We invest time in understanding your needs and policies upfront, then work closely with your team to develop and deliver the appropriate training solution. We’ll help you find the best way to integrate this custom solution into your training procedures, and support you in maintaining and evolving this solution as your policies and challenges inevitably change over time. We don’t just sell equipment; we partner with agencies and their instructors to develop their ideal simulation-based training solution.

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Police Live Fire Solutions

Officers rarely shoot their firearms while on duty, but when they need to, it is imperative that they can draw and fire their weapons with proficiency and ensure the safest possible outcomes for everyone involved. Public perceptions and portrayals in pop culture are that police officers always approach a call with guns drawn. In reality, only about  27% of officers have actually fired their service weapon while on duty. Live-fire training in a simulation environment provides officers the opportunity to build familiarity with using their weapons appropriately in high-pressure situations as they assess, intervene, control, and react to each simulated incident.  Live-fire training can help eliminate unwanted outcomes in crisis situations.

Your Weapon. Your Ammo. Your Training.

Whether you need a modular, ballistic, enclosed, live-fire simulator or a customized range to meet your specific training needs, MILO Live offers state-of-the-art, live shooting ranges for law enforcement and special operation agencies in need of an improved capacity to provide live-fire training.  Custom lighting packages allow for daytime, nighttime, NVG, and thermal training.

MILO Range Live Fire

The MILO Range Live Fire system allows law enforcement officers and agencies to use their own service weapons and ammunition while interacting with HD video scenarios and virtual graphics targets. With software capabilities, shot-detection hardware, and a custom state-of-the-art live-fire screen, MILO Range Live Fire allows agencies to maximize officer familiarity and skill with their service weapons. MILO Range Live Fire systems can also switch between laser-based and live-fire training at any time, without any reconfiguration or system changes. Backed by our 24/7 technical support, an on-site Train the Trainer course, and a full system warranty, MILO Range Live Fire makes it easy to create a safe, reliable, and effective training program for your department.

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Ready Range

Ready Range® is your solution for live-fire training requirements. Ready Range® is an engineered, modular, 100% ballistic, enclosed, live-fire trainer. The Ready Range® system is complete with roofing, insulation, all access doors, electrical, HVAC, filtration, and metal siding in 20 different colors. Inside, the Ready Range® comes complete with shooting lanes, shooting stalls, target retrieval systems, bullet traps, and lighting. Ready Range® can also be configured to a wide-open layout with custom lane widths per customer requirements. All that is required is a location to set the unit and a utility connection to hook up to the provided exterior, electrical disconnect.

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